Strategic Communication & PR

Media Monitoring and PR for NMDC (National Marine Dredging Company)

Client: NMDC (National Marine Dredging Company)
Duration: 1 Year


PyraComms was engaged by NMDC (National Marine Dredging Company) to provide comprehensive media monitoring services aimed at keeping the company abreast of crucial industry developments and news. This full-year project involved the creation of a custom-built system designed to efficiently gather, analyze, and compile relevant news from trusted sources. The primary goal was to deliver a daily news report tailored to NMDC’s needs, providing insightful updates about the industry, regional trends, and global news impacting their operations.


The project’s challenges centered around the vast amount of data available across various sources and the need to curate and disseminate timely and pertinent information. PyraComms faced the task of developing a specialized system capable of scraping reputable sites within the UAE, the region, and international sources. The challenge lay not only in the technical development of the system but also in selecting, analyzing, and packaging the most relevant news items for NMDC’s daily news report.


PyraComms devised a tailored solution by creating a bespoke backend system designed to scour a wide range of trusted sources. This included news from NPCC Group (National Petroleum Construction Company) and key industry news from around the globe. A dedicated team of staff members was assigned to meticulously analyze these sources, preselect significant news items, and curate a daily report that encompassed critical updates.


The execution of this project yielded significant benefits for NMDC. The company received a concise and insightful daily news report that enabled them to stay informed about industry trends, regulatory changes, and global developments. PyraComms’ custom-built system facilitated the efficient aggregation and analysis of news data, ensuring that NMDC received accurate and relevant updates tailored to their interests.



  • Number of News Sources 50+
  • Daily News Reports Sent 250+
  • Average News Items/Day 40
  • Global Industry Reach 20+ Countries


The project’s success was evident in NMDC’s enhanced ability to make informed decisions, respond to industry shifts promptly, and maintain a competitive edge through comprehensive media intelligence. PyraComms’ expert team and the specially developed system ensured that NMDC’s media monitoring needs were met consistently, fostering a strong and beneficial partnership between the two organizations.

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